Language Arts

Reading and Language Arts Information


Here at Carver, we use the balanced literacy approach in all of our Reading and Language Arts classrooms.


Balanced literacy is a system that meets students’ individual needs both in a whole class setting as well as during small group instruction.  The components of a balanced literacy program are: shared reading (whole class instruction), guided reading (small group instruction), and reciprocal teaching, working with words (vocabulary), independent reading, listening center, and a computer station (Success Maker).  The system is purposeful as well as student driven and is geared towards meeting students’ individual needs which will in turn move them upward as they become skilled readers.

Balanced Literacy Components


Computer Station

Students will use Success Maker which will start them at their level and as they progress the program will adjust to meet their individualized needs.

Independent Reading

This learning station will have a variety of books that students enjoy independently and can read with ease. The books students will select will be based on their Lexile level.


Listening Station

The purpose of this station is for students to hear fluent reading. Students will have the opportunity to listen to books on CD and follow along as it’s read to them. Students will also document their connections to the text in a variety of formats.


Guided Practice

This is the station where the teacher provides individualized help for a small group based on their specific lexile scores. The teacher will select specific texts based on lexile and students will read silently. The teacher will then check for comprehension by asking questions based on the text. Students should not read aloud.


Working with Words

This station provides vocabulary practice. Students are provided with a list of words to use that have been selected by the instructor based on the shared reading or guided reading text – vocabulary is not to be taught in isolation. Students will then complete a vocabulary graphic organizer that requires them to find synonyms and antonyms for their words. Students will learn how to use a dictionary and thesaurus to locate their words and the corresponding synonyms and antonyms.


Writing Extension

At this station, students will be provided with a prompt based on either their shared or guided reading text. This should be creative! Some ideas are writing a letter from the voice of a character, creating an advice column, or composing a biography based on a character.


Shared Reading

Shared reading is conducted by the instructor. The whole class will use the same text. The teacher will periodically stop to check for comprehension. Also, students will utilize dry erase boards to practice reciprocal teaching by creating “what” and “why” questions.


Reciprocal Teaching

At this station, students will create FCAT-style questions based on either their guided reading or shared reading text. Students will create the following types of questions: “what” questions, “why” questions, multiple choice questions, and extended response (or “long answer”) questions.